Friday, October 4, 2013

The Beginning

Mostly i am upset i haven't recorded my earlier trips. 

2013 The Road trip with Jordan, Cayden, Alex and Dylan-  Albuquerque, The Penis Monument, Grand Canyon, Red Rocks Nevada, Yosemite, San Francisco, Lovers Leap, Craters of the moon, Yellowstone, Fort Collins Colorado,

2013 The second road trip with Cayden, Maddy and Alex- Baltimore, D.C, New River Gorge, Virginia Tech, Rumney, Finally Pei, i got sidetracked on the way back, Maine, Massachusetts,

The year i graduated i started this blog, but that wasn't my first adventure either.

On that trip i spent 2 days getting to the twin cities in Minnesota, 2 days in Minnesota, and 6 days in the wilderness.  I failed at my intended goal. But i learned a lot about myself. 


France, France and more France.




The Netherlands


All of the united states (the states themselves) except Alaska, Washington, Utah, Montana, And the Dakotas, oh yea and Nebraska but this one does not count, cruddy camping, no views, no climbing.

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